
What is a "Carbon Footprint" Anyways?

Your carbon footprint measures the impact your activities have on the environment, determined by the amount of greenhouse gases produced through burning fossil fuels, electricity, heating and transportation. The average U.S. household has a carbon footprint of 16,008 pounds per year.

Your carbon footprint is made up of two parts: primary and secondary footprints. Your primary footprint is a measure of direct emissions from burning fossil fuels. This includes your home gas, oil, and coal use, home electricity, private transportation, public transport, flights, and food and drink. Your secondary footprint includes your share of public services, financial services, recreation and leisure, house buildings and furnishings, car manufacture and delivery, and clothes and personal effects.

Several factors affect your footprint: the number of people in your household, what kind of heat you use in your home, miles driven per year and fuel efficiency of your automobile, number and duration of flights, your average monthly electric, gas, and fuel bill, and recycling habits.

Calculate your carbon footprint here: http://whatsmycarbonfootprint.com/calculate.htm

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