
Eco-Friendly U.S. Convention Centers

Centers in the U.S. are designing green rooftops and growing herb and vegetables gardens and harvesting the growth to be used at the dining table. Others are implementing sustainable decisions to include climate control system, reduction or elimination of poisons used at the facility like pest control and toxic cleaning products, recycling, reducing the use of non-recyclable items, composting, and water and energy conservation.

So glad to learn of the many, many convention centers in the United States updating their designs and operating with the environment in mind. In our own backyard, the Baltimore Convention Center is designing a green roof top and the Walter E. Washington Convention Center (D.C.) has a 10-page online brochure outlining various methods of implementing environmentally-friendly initiatives to make our world a greener place.

Meetings professionals are including green initiatives in their RFPs, asking valid environmental questions about the sustainability of the convention centers and hotels and analyzing their own events for improvement and more execution of eco-friendly initiatives. Don't forget to pass along to conference attendees every little and every huge step you're taking to help the environment.

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