
Hard times can bring great joy

Today, I went to an industry event for meeting professionals. During the event, one committee member reported on a charity event that took place during the Christmas holidays. She read a letter from one of the recipients of an in-kind gift, which eloquently expressed their gratitude. Everyone in the room was touched and let out a great sigh of joy, which got me to thinking. Despite the difficult economic times we face as a nation, it still means so much to so many when we take the time to help someone in (real) need.

During their annual conference or corporate events, it would be wonderful to see groups participate in giving back to the community or some national charitable organization. I know some associations already implement this into their meeting, and for those who do, I encourage you to continue to do so even though funds might be a little tight this year. For those who haven't considered this, I encourage you to give it some thought. Your participation doesn't have to be something grand or expensive -- just helpful to someone who needs a little support. Whether it's donating school supplies to the local school district where your meeting is being held or giving a monetary contribution to a worthy cause, it would be great to contribute in some way to the empowerment of people who want a hand up and not a hand out!

Not to seem preachy, but I couldn't help but notice at my industry event how great everyone in the room felt who contributed to this individuals holiday needs. I don't know about you, but when we constantly hear so much about the doom and gloom of the economy and job market, for me it was just nice to see people with a smile on their face about something that had to do with GIVING and not focusing on what's been taken away (or downsized).

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