

Hospitality communities and organizations nationwide place a high priority on forming a viable sustainability event and are being assisted in furthering this goal by webcasts and universities offering continuing education where the focal point and emphasis is to devote our planning to long-term sustainability – not just one year, one city at a time.

On October 5, President Obama signed a new Executive Order on Federal Sustainability, which challenges all federal agencies to lead by example in energy and environmental performance. The Order gives them 90 days to set a 2020 greenhouse reduction goal and also sets targets for efficient, sustainable buildings, reduced petroleum use in vehicles, water efficiency, waste reduction, purchasing green technologies and products, and supporting sustainable communities. Council on Environmental Quality chair Nancy Sutley added that "...by putting Federal purchasing power to work – more than $500 billion per year in goods and services – the government can build on the momentum of the Recovery Act to help turn good entrepreneurial ideas into great American enterprises that create jobs.

That’s great for the down the road … but, hey -- The hospitality industry continues to lead the way on sustainability at hotels, convention centers and the cities they borrow for the week by demonstrating the important and significant benefits of exercising ‘environmental best practices’. Most designated sustainability officers offer guidance, encouragement and solid support for implementing effective sustainability policies prior to and during your conference.

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